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Organic Hydroponics - How to cultivate Soilless plants organically

Nov 20

Organic hydroponics is a hotly debated issue in agriculture. Can it be done to cultivate organic soilless plants?

You might be thinking that it's a given that I could give my hydro plants an organic solution to nutrient needs you think? In the past, this was not feasible due to organic nuts being heavy and filled with clogs.

However, in recent times, natural plant nutrition has evolved to the point that this is no longer a concern. There are many organic products that claim to be suitable for hydroponics in O’Fallon IL .

And yet, many growers claim that organic agriculture is not going to actually be possible through a hydroponics system.

We'll look at this issue in depth and take a look at arguments from both sides of the fence to finally put this debate to rest.

We'll also give our advice for how to follow if you're considering giving this approach to the horticulture field! We'll begin by defining some terms.

What is Organic Hydroponics?

Organic hydroponics combines two cultivation techniques that are highly praised in their own regards organic cultivation and hydroponic cultivation.

We'll be quick to explain each step and give the background information needed for those who are brand who are new to the field of horticulture.

What is Organic growing?

Different people may differ on what is organic. This is why organic hydroculture is controversial.

Organic farming refers to a method of cultivation that does not make use of genetic engineering or artificial additives.

This means that there are no synthetic plant nutrients and, of course, no pesticides that are synthetic. This is a much tougher approach to growing because it means you have to be able to have your integrated pest control plan in place to stop the need to apply pesticides or fungicides in your garden or growing room.

Organic plant nutrients are not as simple to feed, as they are delivered more slowly. This means it takes longer for a deficiency in nutrients to show itself, and longer to treat. The natural cultivation method is preferred by many growers.

The Benefits of Organic Growing

The most significant benefits of organic agriculture can all be summarized as "cleaner crops". Organic fertilizers are healthier and produce more delicious, pleasant-smelling plants.

Synthetic fertilizers can impede the plant's natural flavonoids or Terpenes that provide it with its flavor and smell. This can be avoided by using organic fertilizers.

Organic gardening is obviously healthier and safer for both the environment and the consumers of your plants.

Synthetic pesticides, in certain instances, may leave behind leftovers in your plant, which eventually you consume.

What is Hydroponics?

This is a far simple concept to understand It's a method of cultivation that doesn't need soil.

Instead of inert materials like coco, rock wool, or clay pebbles are used to anchor plants in place. It is dependent on the system you use, your plants will be fed an extremely concentrated nutrient solution directly to their root.

DWC systems place the plant roots in nutrient solution at all times, while an ebb and flow system will periodically fill them with a nutrient solution before draining them out on cycles.

Hydroponic drip systems are another option. These feed plants using small emitters. They function very similarly to drip irrigation. A fourth kind that's worth mentioning and is actually its own type of cultivation is aeroponics.

The Benefits of Hydroponics

There is definitely an arduous learning curve associated with hydroponics but it does have numerous benefits. One of them is the ability to enhance plant growth by adjusting nutrient uptake and concentration.

Plant roots can absorb nutrients faster since they are oxygenated typically through an airstone and pump. This allows them to expand to their fullest potential.


The Indoor Earthworm
510 W Hwy 50, O'Fallon, IL 62269
(618) 726-7910