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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

Since the beginning of time sales funnels have always been part of traditional marketing and business. I've noticed that funnels for Internet businesses are becoming more well-known.

Truth is, people want to learn more about this marketing strategy and how they can apply it to their marketing efforts on the internet. If you would like to learn more about the sales funnel to help you with effective Internet marketing, I encourage you to read on.

The Sales Funnel: What is it?

A marketing funnel isn't a real funnel. The use of the word "funnel" to describe this concept of marketing is to help visualize and explain the sales process from beginning to the conclusion. The term"funnel" can be utilized to define the sales process because it has both a more extensive entry point for "Unqualified Prospects" as well as a smaller opening for converts at the bottom.

The people who are "unqualified prospects" are at the upper end of the funnel. This is people who have never met with you, but might be interested in your product or services. By the end of this funnel, several offers and sales actions after, you've received people who have purchased your product or service and made a purchase as well.

Another reason why a lead-generation funnel concept is so effective is the fact it lets you track potential customers at various levels of the sales process. The sales funnel allows you to predict the number of potential customers that will eventually be customers by calculating the qualified prospects at each step.

The sales funnel lets you to determine the areas where your sales strategy is failing and succeeding. It can also help you determine if your campaign is not reaching the right customers. This will help you to decide which areas to concentrate your efforts to help achieve your marketing goals. It can be used to manage and gauge the sales process of your customers.

The Sales Funnel Top, Front or End

The top part of your sales funnel should undergo the most constant testing and will be the most active. Your imagination and resources will limit the number of front-end strategies you can develop.

The front-end objective is to attract new clients and convert them to buyers.

When a potential customer opts-in to your offering, they are "qualified". This is when the potential customer, also known as an "Unqualified Prospect", becomes a qualified lead. They have taken a step that shows that they may be interested in your product or service.

To make your front-end efficient, you need to drive targeted traffic to your site, blog or squeeze page. Article marketing, PPC ads, social media (Google+ Twitter, Facebook, YouTube), banners and blogs are among the best methods and resources to do this.

There are many tools that can be used to "qualify prospects who aren't qualified". One of the most effective ways to qualify prospects is by creating an online squeeze page. This allows you provide something valuable to your product which people can get for free or at a substantially lower cost, in exchange for their email address and name. You can select from reports and newsletters, as well as video and e-mail course.

This shows that people are attracted to your sales channel on the front end. The back-end is the part we should be focusing on.


The Bottom of The Funnel: The Back-End

The back-end (or the bottom) of your sales channel is where the majority of profits and sales take place. You will usually find the more expensive products in this area. Basically these would be appropriate to the same market but delivered in different formats such as audio, video, live interaction or private consult.

The main distinction between the front-end of the service and the back-end is the kind of service or cost of the client.

Although it's the case that a small percentage of people will be able to enter your front-end however, just 1-2% of them will end up in your back-end. This is fine, given the fact that this particular small percentage will invest a much larger amount of money.

While front-end services and products might be cheaper than $100 but back-end products and services typically cost in the hundreds or even thousands. This make the back-end or bottom of the funnel sales funnel to be the main source of revenue for your Internet business, it's also the most reliable and stable area in this sales process.

As I mentioned earlier the sales funnel could be as simple or complicated as your creativity or resources permit.

The following link will give more information on my strategy for content marketing.

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